CAP l'Hospitalet

Competition Finalist


Casa Gil



Un Jardí






Casa Verso





Sot de les Moles

New building


Tramuntana Pool







Irene Pinyol Sarrias
Copyright @2024 All rights reserved
Last updated on June 2024
Nou CAP a l’HospitaletTeam: Baile Menduiña+ Despiece
Location: L’Hospitalet
Status: Competition Finalist
Year: 2024
Nou Centre d’AtencióPrimària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet. 
L’edifici proposat per al Nou Centre d’Atenció Primària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet pretén convertir-se en un element de referència a la ciutat. L’Hospitalet, un municipi en creixement, requereix una infraestructura a la seva alçada. Es proposa un edifici que sigui amable amb l’espai públic i el seu entorn, afavorint un diàleg obert i fluid, és per aquest motiu que en Planta Baixa s’obre un carrer que busca generar continuïtat amb la nova plaça enjardinada de la parcel·la 6b. L’edifici fa conviure els diversos programes que ha d’incloure, tenint en compte la diferència entre els seus horaris i circulacions, fent que puguin funcionar per separat però conviu-re en un mateix “espai públic”: el carrer de Planta Baixa. Una de les qüestions més rellevants en aquest tipus d’intervencions d’equipaments és la utilització racional de sistemes i materials: econòmics, durables i que requereixin baix manteniment, així com un consum energètic tendent a zero. Es proposa un edifici amb escala de barri, que s’adapta a la materialitat característica de l’Hospitalet: La ceràmica. Aquest material permet la integració en l’entorn a més de ser un element econòmic i fàcil d’aconseguir. Així doncs es proposa un edifici durable, econòmic, sostenible i integrat en el entorn.

Casa GilTeam: Irene Pinyol
Location: Alt Empordà
Year: 2023
Landscape: Mònica Martí
Photo: Simone Marcolin
Casa Gil project consists in the restoration of what used to be a farmer’s house in Vilaür, Alt Empordà. It is born from the will of acknowledging the natural beauty of the environment that surrounds the house. The main existing volume of the pre-existing building and its façade remain untouched. The architecture intervention is very neutral, tailored to the clients' preferences and needs, allowing the landscape to be the main focus of the project. A farm building nearby has been preserved as an integral part of the surroundings, serving as a reminder of the property's history. The garden includes a 22-meter pool inspired by the original "bassas" and "safreigs" of Mediterranean rural areas, designed to satisfy the family's passion for swimming. The domestic design of the interiors consists of a free plan module for daytime activities, connected to the garden through an open porch, and a two-story night area, all thoughtfully arranged to frame the natural surroundings.

Un Jardí Team: Bernat Ginot, Irene Pinyol
School: Master ETSAV
Year: 2023
In Malgrat de Mar, a geographical location with great potential but also highly vulnerable to environmental changes, a project is planned in a strategic location that acts as a boundary between the mountain and the city. The proposal seeks to be a transition point between these two, consolidating an existing garden with unexplored potential. Building a new perimeter offers opportunities to activate the area and connect the city to the forest, while preserving the identity of the site and generating new activities. The creation of a multi-purpose building aimed mainly at performing and cultural activities is planned. This building adopts an architectural language that merges the three defining elements: the agrarian, cultural, and scenic worlds.

Gomis Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2023
Size: 30m2
Photo: Simone Marcolin
A warehouse in Barcelona is turned into a tiny apartment for a young couple. The space aims for maximum optimization, with the most private areas placed at the back of the home, leaving an open room for various daily activities to coexist: working, resting, cooking, dancing…

Casa Verso Team: Oliver Abásolo, Irene Pinyol, Diletta Trinari,
Location: Fuerteventura
Year: Ongoing
Size: 250 m2
Photo: Anton Pinyol
A house for a group of friends  in Fuerteventura.In a very long and narrow site,the house is organized by a vertical axis. Inspired by the original architecture of the island. Small single storey units are unified by a big perforated roof.

Més enllà del Mediterani (TFG)Team:  Irene Pinyol
Academic Research
School: ETSAB
Year: 2023

J.A.Coderch is a paradigmatic architect in Spanish architecture in the twentieth century, along with Gaudí, Sert and Miralles. His rellevance has made him a reference for architecture studies in Spanish universities and on an international level. Coderch’s architecture appears in multiple publications described as an architecture that breaks with the construction standards of the Franquist period. It is clearly influenced by the vernacular mediterranian architecture, in addition to the Racionalist movement, driven in Catalonia by the GATCPAC group in the 1930s. The aim of this study is to investigte whether, in addition to the influences already mentioned, Coderch was also influenced by North American architecture. This connection, which was never confirmed by the architect, is evident in the structure of the first single-family houses he designed from the 1940s. These share many similarities with the Case study houses promoted by John Entenza in the journal Arts and Architecture in the 1940s in the United States. Based on the graphic and theorical comparisons of single-family houses by Coderch with other North American architectural figures of the time, the main goal is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that calls into question the relationship between these architectures.

Sot de les Moles Team: Guillem Serra, Javier Salvador, Irene Pinyol
Location: Moianès
Year: 2024
Size: 150 m2
Photo: Irene Pinyol
“Two houses for two friends”  

Two houses with common strategies and values but with their own character. The house is molded to create continuity with the exterior and obtain the best solar orientation. Its geometry generates a private and enclosed garden space while protecting its privacy.

The kitchen/dining area, which links the day and night zones, becomes a semi-outdoor space, understood as part of the garden. A large continuous piece of furniture runs along the entire north facade and serves the different rooms. Local materials and techniques are used.

Connection with the environment seeks not to modify the terrain on which it is located. The extreme climate of Castellcir requires full ventilation in the summer and heat capture in the winter.

Un Jardí Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool. 
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Alt Empordà
Year: 2023
Landscape: Mònica Martí
Photo: Simone Marcolin
Casa Gil project consists in the restoration of what used to be a farmer’s house in Vilaür, Alt Empordà. It is born from the will of acknowledging the natural beauty of the environment that surrounds the house. The main existing volume of the pre-existing building and its façade remain untouched. The architecture intervention is very neutral, tailored to the clients' preferences and needs, allowing the landscape to be the main focus of the project. A farm building nearby has been preserved as an integral part of the surroundings, serving as a reminder of the property's history. The garden includes a 22-meter pool inspired by the original "bassas" and "safreigs" of Mediterranean rural areas, designed to satisfy the family's passion for swimming. The domestic design of the interiors consists of a free plan module for daytime activities, connected to the garden through an open porch, and a two-story night area, all thoughtfully arranged to frame the natural surroundings.

Un Jardí Team: Bernat Ginot, Irene Pinyol
School: Master ETSAV
Year: 2023
In Malgrat de Mar, a geographical location with great potential but also highly vulnerable to environmental changes, a project is planned in a strategic location that acts as a boundary between the mountain and the city. The proposal seeks to be a transition point between these two, consolidating an existing garden with unexplored potential. Building a new perimeter offers opportunities to activate the area and connect the city to the forest, while preserving the identity of the site and generating new activities. The creation of a multi-purpose building aimed mainly at performing and cultural activities is planned. This building adopts an architectural language that merges the three defining elements: the agrarian, cultural, and scenic worlds.

Gomis Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2023
Size: 30m2
Photo: Simone Marcolin
A warehouse in Barcelona is turned into a tiny apartment for a young couple. The space aims for maximum optimization, with the most private areas placed at the back of the home, leaving an open room for various daily activities to coexist: working, resting, cooking, dancing…

Casa Verso Team: Oliver Abásolo, Irene Pinyol, Diletta Trinari,
Location: Fuerteventura
Year: Ongoing
Size: 250 m2
Photo: Anton Pinyol
A house for a group of friends  in Fuerteventura.In a very long and narrow site,the house is organized by a vertical axis. Inspired by the original architecture of the island. Small single storey units are unified by a big perforated roof.

Més enllà del Mediterani (TFG)Team:  Irene Pinyol
Academic Research
School: ETSAB
Year: 2023

J.A.Coderch is a paradigmatic architect in Spanish architecture in the twentieth century, along with Gaudí, Sert and Miralles. His rellevance has made him a reference for architecture studies in Spanish universities and on an international level. Coderch’s architecture appears in multiple publications described as an architecture that breaks with the construction standards of the Franquist period. It is clearly influenced by the vernacular mediterranian architecture, in addition to the Racionalist movement, driven in Catalonia by the GATCPAC group in the 1930s. The aim of this study is to investigte whether, in addition to the influences already mentioned, Coderch was also influenced by North American architecture. This connection, which was never confirmed by the architect, is evident in the structure of the first single-family houses he designed from the 1940s. These share many similarities with the Case study houses promoted by John Entenza in the journal Arts and Architecture in the 1940s in the United States. Based on the graphic and theorical comparisons of single-family houses by Coderch with other North American architectural figures of the time, the main goal is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that calls into question the relationship between these architectures.

Sot de les Moles Team: Guillem Serra, Javier Salvador, Irene Pinyol
Location: Moianès
Year: 2024
Size: 150 m2
Photo: Irene Pinyol
“Two houses for two friends”  

Two houses with common strategies and values but with their own character. The house is molded to create continuity with the exterior and obtain the best solar orientation. Its geometry generates a private and enclosed garden space while protecting its privacy.

The kitchen/dining area, which links the day and night zones, becomes a semi-outdoor space, understood as part of the garden. A large continuous piece of furniture runs along the entire north facade and serves the different rooms. Local materials and techniques are used.

Connection with the environment seeks not to modify the terrain on which it is located. The extreme climate of Castellcir requires full ventilation in the summer and heat capture in the winter.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Nou CAP a l’HospitaletTeam: Baile Menduiña+ Despiece
Location: L’Hospitalet
Status: Competition Finalist
Year: 2024
Nou Centre d’AtencióPrimària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet. 
L’edifici proposat per al Nou Centre d’Atenció Primària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet pretén convertir-se en un element de referència a la ciutat. L’Hospitalet, un municipi en creixement, requereix una infraestructura a la seva alçada. Es proposa un edifici que sigui amable amb l’espai públic i el seu entorn, afavorint un diàleg obert i fluid, és per aquest motiu que en Planta Baixa s’obre un carrer que busca generar continuïtat amb la nova plaça enjardinada de la parcel·la 6b. L’edifici fa conviure els diversos programes que ha d’incloure, tenint en compte la diferència entre els seus horaris i circulacions, fent que puguin funcionar per separat però conviu-re en un mateix “espai públic”: el carrer de Planta Baixa. Una de les qüestions més rellevants en aquest tipus d’intervencions d’equipaments és la utilització racional de sistemes i materials: econòmics, durables i que requereixin baix manteniment, així com un consum energètic tendent a zero. Es proposa un edifici amb escala de barri, que s’adapta a la materialitat característica de l’Hospitalet: La ceràmica. Aquest material permet la integració en l’entorn a més de ser un element econòmic i fàcil d’aconseguir. Així doncs es proposa un edifici durable, econòmic, sostenible i integrat en el entorn.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Alt Empordà
Year: 2023
Landscape: Mònica Martí
Photo: Simone Marcolin
Casa Gil project consists in the restoration of what used to be a farmer’s house in Vilaür, Alt Empordà. It is born from the will of acknowledging the natural beauty of the environment that surrounds the house. The main existing volume of the pre-existing building and its façade remain untouched. The architecture intervention is very neutral, tailored to the clients' preferences and needs, allowing the landscape to be the main focus of the project. A farm building nearby has been preserved as an integral part of the surroundings, serving as a reminder of the property's history. The garden includes a 22-meter pool inspired by the original "bassas" and "safreigs" of Mediterranean rural areas, designed to satisfy the family's passion for swimming. The domestic design of the interiors consists of a free plan module for daytime activities, connected to the garden through an open porch, and a two-story night area, all thoughtfully arranged to frame the natural surroundings.

Un Jardí Team: Bernat Ginot, Irene Pinyol
School: Master ETSAV
Year: 2023
In Malgrat de Mar, a geographical location with great potential but also highly vulnerable to environmental changes, a project is planned in a strategic location that acts as a boundary between the mountain and the city. The proposal seeks to be a transition point between these two, consolidating an existing garden with unexplored potential. Building a new perimeter offers opportunities to activate the area and connect the city to the forest, while preserving the identity of the site and generating new activities. The creation of a multi-purpose building aimed mainly at performing and cultural activities is planned. This building adopts an architectural language that merges the three defining elements: the agrarian, cultural, and scenic worlds.

Gomis Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2023
Size: 30m2
Photo: Simone Marcolin
A warehouse in Barcelona is turned into a tiny apartment for a young couple. The space aims for maximum optimization, with the most private areas placed at the back of the home, leaving an open room for various daily activities to coexist: working, resting, cooking, dancing…

Casa Verso Team: Oliver Abásolo, Irene Pinyol, Diletta Trinari,
Location: Fuerteventura
Year: Ongoing
Size: 250 m2
Photo: Anton Pinyol
A house for a group of friends  in Fuerteventura.In a very long and narrow site,the house is organized by a vertical axis. Inspired by the original architecture of the island. Small single storey units are unified by a big perforated roof.

Més enllà del Mediterani (TFG)Team:  Irene Pinyol
Academic Research
School: ETSAB
Year: 2023

J.A.Coderch is a paradigmatic architect in Spanish architecture in the twentieth century, along with Gaudí, Sert and Miralles. His rellevance has made him a reference for architecture studies in Spanish universities and on an international level. Coderch’s architecture appears in multiple publications described as an architecture that breaks with the construction standards of the Franquist period. It is clearly influenced by the vernacular mediterranian architecture, in addition to the Racionalist movement, driven in Catalonia by the GATCPAC group in the 1930s. The aim of this study is to investigte whether, in addition to the influences already mentioned, Coderch was also influenced by North American architecture. This connection, which was never confirmed by the architect, is evident in the structure of the first single-family houses he designed from the 1940s. These share many similarities with the Case study houses promoted by John Entenza in the journal Arts and Architecture in the 1940s in the United States. Based on the graphic and theorical comparisons of single-family houses by Coderch with other North American architectural figures of the time, the main goal is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that calls into question the relationship between these architectures.

Sot de les Moles Team: Guillem Serra, Javier Salvador, Irene Pinyol
Location: Moianès
Year: 2024
Size: 150 m2
Photo: Irene Pinyol
“Two houses for two friends”  

Two houses with common strategies and values but with their own character. The house is molded to create continuity with the exterior and obtain the best solar orientation. Its geometry generates a private and enclosed garden space while protecting its privacy.

The kitchen/dining area, which links the day and night zones, becomes a semi-outdoor space, understood as part of the garden. A large continuous piece of furniture runs along the entire north facade and serves the different rooms. Local materials and techniques are used.

Connection with the environment seeks not to modify the terrain on which it is located. The extreme climate of Castellcir requires full ventilation in the summer and heat capture in the winter.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool. 
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool. 
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Nou CAP a l’HospitaletTeam: Baile Menduiña+ Despiece
Location: L’Hospitalet
Status: Competition Finalist
Year: 2024
Nou Centre d’AtencióPrimària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet.
L’edifici proposat per al Nou Centre d’Atenció Primària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet vol convertir-se en un element de referència a la ciutat. L’Hospitalet, un municipi en creixement, requereix d’una infraestructura a la seva alçada. Es proposa un edifici que sigui amable amb l’espai públic i el seu entorn, afavorint un diàleg obert i fluid, és per aquest motiu que en Planta Baixa s’obre un carrer que busca generar continuïtat amb la nova plaça enjardinada de la parcel·la 6b. L’edifici fa conviure els diversos programes que ha d’incloure, tenint en compte la diferència entre els seus horaris i circulacions, fent que puguin funcionar per separat però conviu-re en un mateix “espai públic”: el carrer de Planta Baixa. Una de les qüestions més rellevants en aquest tipus d’intervencions d’equipaments és la utilització racional de sistemes i materials: econòmics, durables i que requereixin baix manteniment, així com un consum energètic tendent a zero. Es proposa un edifici amb escala de barri, que s’adapta a la materialitat característica de l’Hospitalet: La ceràmica. Aquest material permet la integració en l’entorn a més de ser un element econòmic i fàcil d’aconseguir. Així doncs es projecta un edifici durable, econòmic, sostenible i integrat en el entorn.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Alt Empordà
Year: 2023
Landscape: Mònica Martí
Photo: Simone Marcolin
Casa Gil project consists in the restoration of what used to be a farmer’s house in Vilaür, Alt Empordà. It is born from the will of acknowledging the natural beauty of the environment that surrounds the house. The main existing volume of the pre-existing building and its façade remain untouched. The architecture intervention is very neutral, tailored to the clients' preferences and needs, allowing the landscape to be the main focus of the project. A farm building nearby has been preserved as an integral part of the surroundings, serving as a reminder of the property's history. The garden includes a 22-meter pool inspired by the original "bassas" and "safreigs" of Mediterranean rural areas, designed to satisfy the family's passion for swimming. The domestic design of the interiors consists of a free plan module for daytime activities, connected to the garden through an open porch, and a two-story night area, all thoughtfully arranged to frame the natural surroundings.

Un Jardí Team: Bernat Ginot, Irene Pinyol
School: Master ETSAV
Year: 2023
In Malgrat de Mar, a geographical location with great potential but also highly vulnerable to environmental changes, a project is planned in a strategic location that acts as a boundary between the mountain and the city. The proposal seeks to be a transition point between these two, consolidating an existing garden with unexplored potential. Building a new perimeter offers opportunities to activate the area and connect the city to the forest, while preserving the identity of the site and generating new activities. The creation of a multi-purpose building aimed mainly at performing and cultural activities is planned. This building adopts an architectural language that merges the three defining elements: the agrarian, cultural, and scenic worlds.

Gomis Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2023
Size: 30m2
Photo: Simone Marcolin
A warehouse in Barcelona is turned into a tiny apartment for a young couple. The space aims for maximum optimization, with the most private areas placed at the back of the home, leaving an open room for various daily activities to coexist: working, resting, cooking, dancing…

Casa Verso Team: Oliver Abásolo, Irene Pinyol, Diletta Trinari,
Location: Fuerteventura
Year: Ongoing
Size: 250 m2
Photo: Anton Pinyol
A house for a group of friends  in Fuerteventura.In a very long and narrow site,the house is organized by a vertical axis. Inspired by the original architecture of the island. Small single storey units are unified by a big perforated roof.

Més enllà del Mediterani (TFG)Team:  Irene Pinyol
Academic Research
School: ETSAB
Year: 2023

J.A.Coderch is a paradigmatic architect in Spanish architecture in the twentieth century, along with Gaudí, Sert and Miralles. His rellevance has made him a reference for architecture studies in Spanish universities and on an international level. Coderch’s architecture appears in multiple publications described as an architecture that breaks with the construction standards of the Franquist period. It is clearly influenced by the vernacular mediterranian architecture, in addition to the Racionalist movement, driven in Catalonia by the GATCPAC group in the 1930s. The aim of this study is to investigte whether, in addition to the influences already mentioned, Coderch was also influenced by North American architecture. This connection, which was never confirmed by the architect, is evident in the structure of the first single-family houses he designed from the 1940s. These share many similarities with the Case study houses promoted by John Entenza in the journal Arts and Architecture in the 1940s in the United States. Based on the graphic and theorical comparisons of single-family houses by Coderch with other North American architectural figures of the time, the main goal is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that calls into question the relationship between these architectures.

Sot de les Moles Team: Guillem Serra, Javier Salvador, Irene Pinyol
Location: Moianès
Year: 2024
Size: 150 m2
Photo: Irene Pinyol
“Two houses for two friends”  

Two houses with common strategies and values but with their own character. The house is molded to create continuity with the exterior and obtain the best solar orientation. Its geometry generates a private and enclosed garden space while protecting its privacy.

The kitchen/dining area, which links the day and night zones, becomes a semi-outdoor space, understood as part of the garden. A large continuous piece of furniture runs along the entire north facade and serves the different rooms. Local materials and techniques are used.

Connection with the environment seeks not to modify the terrain on which it is located. The extreme climate of Castellcir requires full ventilation in the summer and heat capture in the winter.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Nou CAP a l’HospitaletTeam: Baile Menduiña+ Despiece
Location: L’Hospitalet
Status: Competition Finalist
Year: 2024
Nou Centre d’AtencióPrimària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet.
L’edifici proposat per al Nou Centre d’Atenció Primària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet pretén convertir-se en un element de referència a la ciutat. L’Hospitalet, un municipi en creixement, requereix una infraestructura a la seva alçada. Es proposa un edifici que sigui amable amb l’espai públic i el seu entorn, afavorint un diàleg obert i fluid, és per aquest motiu que en Planta Baixa s’obre un carrer que busca generar continuïtat amb la nova plaça enjardinada de la parcel·la 6b. L’edifici fa conviure els diversos programes que ha d’incloure, tenint en compte la diferència entre els seus horaris i circulacions, fent que puguin funcionar per separat però conviu-re en un mateix “espai públic”: el carrer de Planta Baixa. Una de les qüestions més rellevants en aquest tipus d’intervencions d’equipaments és la utilització racional de sistemes i materials: econòmics, durables i que requereixin baix manteniment, així com un consum energètic tendent a zero. Es proposa un edifici amb escala de barri, que s’adapta a la materialitat característica de l’Hospitalet: La ceràmica. Aquest material permet la integració en l’entorn a més de ser un element econòmic i fàcil d’aconseguir. Així doncs es proposa un edifici durable, econòmic, sostenible i integrat en el entorn.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Alt Empordà
Year: 2023
Landscape: Mònica Martí
Photo: Simone Marcolin
Casa Gil project consists in the restoration of what used to be a farmer’s house in Vilaür, Alt Empordà. It is born from the will of acknowledging the natural beauty of the environment that surrounds the house. The main existing volume of the pre-existing building and its façade remain untouched. The architecture intervention is very neutral, tailored to the clients' preferences and needs, allowing the landscape to be the main focus of the project. A farm building nearby has been preserved as an integral part of the surroundings, serving as a reminder of the property's history. The garden includes a 22-meter pool inspired by the original "bassas" and "safreigs" of Mediterranean rural areas, designed to satisfy the family's passion for swimming. The domestic design of the interiors consists of a free plan module for daytime activities, connected to the garden through an open porch, and a two-story night area, all thoughtfully arranged to frame the natural surroundings.

Un Jardí Team: Bernat Ginot, Irene Pinyol
School: Master ETSAV
Year: 2023
In Malgrat de Mar, a geographical location with great potential but also highly vulnerable to environmental changes, a project is planned in a strategic location that acts as a boundary between the mountain and the city. The proposal seeks to be a transition point between these two, consolidating an existing garden with unexplored potential. Building a new perimeter offers opportunities to activate the area and connect the city to the forest, while preserving the identity of the site and generating new activities. The creation of a multi-purpose building aimed mainly at performing and cultural activities is planned. This building adopts an architectural language that merges the three defining elements: the agrarian, cultural, and scenic worlds.

Gomis Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2023
Size: 30m2
Photo: Simone Marcolin
A warehouse in Barcelona is turned into a tiny apartment for a young couple. The space aims for maximum optimization, with the most private areas placed at the back of the home, leaving an open room for various daily activities to coexist: working, resting, cooking, dancing…

Casa Verso Team: Oliver Abásolo, Irene Pinyol, Diletta Trinari,
Location: Fuerteventura
Year: Ongoing
Size: 250 m2
Photo: Anton Pinyol
A house for a group of friends  in Fuerteventura.In a very long and narrow site,the house is organized by a vertical axis. Inspired by the original architecture of the island. Small single storey units are unified by a big perforated roof.

Més enllà del Mediterani (TFG)Team:  Irene Pinyol
Academic Research
School: ETSAB
Year: 2023

J.A.Coderch is a paradigmatic architect in Spanish architecture in the twentieth century, along with Gaudí, Sert and Miralles. His rellevance has made him a reference for architecture studies in Spanish universities and on an international level. Coderch’s architecture appears in multiple publications described as an architecture that breaks with the construction standards of the Franquist period. It is clearly influenced by the vernacular mediterranian architecture, in addition to the Racionalist movement, driven in Catalonia by the GATCPAC group in the 1930s. The aim of this study is to investigte whether, in addition to the influences already mentioned, Coderch was also influenced by North American architecture. This connection, which was never confirmed by the architect, is evident in the structure of the first single-family houses he designed from the 1940s. These share many similarities with the Case study houses promoted by John Entenza in the journal Arts and Architecture in the 1940s in the United States. Based on the graphic and theorical comparisons of single-family houses by Coderch with other North American architectural figures of the time, the main goal is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that calls into question the relationship between these architectures.

Sot de les Moles Team: Guillem Serra, Javier Salvador, Irene Pinyol
Location: Moianès
Year: 2024
Size: 150 m2
Photo: Irene Pinyol
“Two houses for two friends”  

Two houses with common strategies and values but with their own character. The house is molded to create continuity with the exterior and obtain the best solar orientation. Its geometry generates a private and enclosed garden space while protecting its privacy.

The kitchen/dining area, which links the day and night zones, becomes a semi-outdoor space, understood as part of the garden. A large continuous piece of furniture runs along the entire north facade and serves the different rooms. Local materials and techniques are used.

Connection with the environment seeks not to modify the terrain on which it is located. The extreme climate of Castellcir requires full ventilation in the summer and heat capture in the winter.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Team: Baile Menduiña+ Despiece
Location: L’Hospitalet
Status: Competition Finalist
Year: 2024
Nou Centre d’AtencióPrimària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet.
L’edifici proposat per al Nou Centre d’Atenció Primària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet pretén convertir-se en un element de referència a la ciutat. L’Hospitalet, un municipi en creixement, requereix una infraestructura a la seva alçada. Es proposa un edifici que sigui amable amb l’espai públic i el seu entorn, afavorint un diàleg obert i fluid, és per aquest motiu que en Planta Baixa s’obre un carrer que busca generar continuïtat amb la nova plaça enjardinada de la parcel·la 6b. L’edifici fa conviure els diversos programes que ha d’incloure, tenint en compte la diferència entre els seus horaris i circulacions, fent que puguin funcionar per separat però conviu-re en un mateix “espai públic”: el carrer de Planta Baixa. Una de les qüestions més rellevants en aquest tipus d’intervencions d’equipaments és la utilització racional de sistemes i materials: econòmics, durables i que requereixin baix manteniment, així com un consum energètic tendent a zero. Es proposa un edifici amb escala de barri, que s’adapta a la materialitat característica de l’Hospitalet: La ceràmica. Aquest material permet la integració en l’entorn a més de ser un element econòmic i fàcil d’aconseguir. Així doncs es proposa un edifici durable, econòmic, sostenible i integrat en el entorn.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Alt Empordà
Year: 2023
Landscape: Mònica Martí
Photo: Simone Marcolin
Casa Gil project consists in the restoration of what used to be a farmer’s house in Vilaür, Alt Empordà. It is born from the will of acknowledging the natural beauty of the environment that surrounds the house. The main existing volume of the pre-existing building and its façade remain untouched. The architecture intervention is very neutral, tailored to the clients' preferences and needs, allowing the landscape to be the main focus of the project. A farm building nearby has been preserved as an integral part of the surroundings, serving as a reminder of the property's history. The garden includes a 22-meter pool inspired by the original "bassas" and "safreigs" of Mediterranean rural areas, designed to satisfy the family's passion for swimming. The domestic design of the interiors consists of a free plan module for daytime activities, connected to the garden through an open porch, and a two-story night area, all thoughtfully arranged to frame the natural surroundings.

Team: Bernat Ginot, Irene Pinyol
School: Master ETSAV
Year: 2023
In Malgrat de Mar, a geographical location with great potential but also highly vulnerable to environmental changes, a project is planned in a strategic location that acts as a boundary between the mountain and the city. The proposal seeks to be a transition point between these two, consolidating an existing garden with unexplored potential. Building a new perimeter offers opportunities to activate the area and connect the city to the forest, while preserving the identity of the site and generating new activities. The creation of a multi-purpose building aimed mainly at performing and cultural activities is planned. This building adopts an architectural language that merges the three defining elements: the agrarian, cultural, and scenic worlds.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2023
Size: 30m2
Photo: Simone Marcolin
A warehouse in Barcelona is turned into a tiny apartment for a young couple. The space aims for maximum optimization, with the most private areas placed at the back of the home, leaving an open room for various daily activities to coexist: working, resting, cooking, dancing…

Team: Oliver Abásolo, Irene Pinyol, Diletta Trinari,
Location: Fuerteventura
Year: Ongoing
Size: 250 m2
Photo: Anton Pinyol
A house for a group of friends  in Fuerteventura.In a very long and narrow site,the house is organized by a vertical axis. Inspired by the original architecture of the island. Small single storey units are unified by a big perforated roof.

Team:  Irene Pinyol
Academic Research
School: ETSAB
Year: 2023

J.A.Coderch is a paradigmatic architect in Spanish architecture in the twentieth century, along with Gaudí, Sert and Miralles. His rellevance has made him a reference for architecture studies in Spanish universities and on an international level. Coderch’s architecture appears in multiple publications described as an architecture that breaks with the construction standards of the Franquist period. It is clearly influenced by the vernacular mediterranian architecture, in addition to the Racionalist movement, driven in Catalonia by the GATCPAC group in the 1930s. The aim of this study is to investigte whether, in addition to the influences already mentioned, Coderch was also influenced by North American architecture. This connection, which was never confirmed by the architect, is evident in the structure of the first single-family houses he designed from the 1940s. These share many similarities with the Case study houses promoted by John Entenza in the journal Arts and Architecture in the 1940s in the United States. Based on the graphic and theorical comparisons of single-family houses by Coderch with other North American architectural figures of the time, the main goal is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that calls into question the relationship between these architectures.

Team: Guillem Serra, Javier Salvador, Irene Pinyol
Location: Moianès
Year: 2024
Size: 150 m2
Photo: Irene Pinyol
“Two houses for two friends”  

Two houses with common strategies and values but with their own character. The house is molded to create continuity with the exterior and obtain the best solar orientation. Its geometry generates a private and enclosed garden space while protecting its privacy.

The kitchen/dining area, which links the day and night zones, becomes a semi-outdoor space, understood as part of the garden. A large continuous piece of furniture runs along the entire north facade and serves the different rooms. Local materials and techniques are used.

Connection with the environment seeks not to modify the terrain on which it is located. The extreme climate of Castellcir requires full ventilation in the summer and heat capture in the winter.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Alt Empordà
Year: 2023
Landscape: Mònica Martí
Photo: Simone Marcolin
Casa Gil project consists in the restoration of what used to be a farmer’s house in Vilaür, Alt Empordà. It is born from the will of acknowledging the natural beauty of the environment that surrounds the house. The main existing volume of the pre-existing building and its façade remain untouched. The architecture intervention is very neutral, tailored to the clients' preferences and needs, allowing the landscape to be the main focus of the project. A farm building nearby has been preserved as an integral part of the surroundings, serving as a reminder of the property's history. The garden includes a 22-meter pool inspired by the original "bassas" and "safreigs" of Mediterranean rural areas, designed to satisfy the family's passion for swimming. The domestic design of the interiors consists of a free plan module for daytime activities, connected to the garden through an open porch, and a two-story night area, all thoughtfully arranged to frame the natural surroundings.

Team: Bernat Ginot, Irene Pinyol
School: Master ETSAV
Year: 2023
In Malgrat de Mar, a geographical location with great potential but also highly vulnerable to environmental changes, a project is planned in a strategic location that acts as a boundary between the mountain and the city. The proposal seeks to be a transition point between these two, consolidating an existing garden with unexplored potential. Building a new perimeter offers opportunities to activate the area and connect the city to the forest, while preserving the identity of the site and generating new activities. The creation of a multi-purpose building aimed mainly at performing and cultural activities is planned. This building adopts an architectural language that merges the three defining elements: the agrarian, cultural, and scenic worlds.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2023
Size: 30m2
Photo: Simone Marcolin
A warehouse in Barcelona is turned into a tiny apartment for a young couple. The space aims for maximum optimization, with the most private areas placed at the back of the home, leaving an open room for various daily activities to coexist: working, resting, cooking, dancing…

Team: Oliver Abásolo, Irene Pinyol, Diletta Trinari,
Location: Fuerteventura
Year: Ongoing
Size: 250 m2
Photo: Anton Pinyol
A house for a group of friends  in Fuerteventura.In a very long and narrow site,the house is organized by a vertical axis. Inspired by the original architecture of the island. Small single storey units are unified by a big perforated roof.

Team:  Irene Pinyol
Academic Research
School: ETSAB
Year: 2023

J.A.Coderch is a paradigmatic architect in Spanish architecture in the twentieth century, along with Gaudí, Sert and Miralles. His rellevance has made him a reference for architecture studies in Spanish universities and on an international level. Coderch’s architecture appears in multiple publications described as an architecture that breaks with the construction standards of the Franquist period. It is clearly influenced by the vernacular mediterranian architecture, in addition to the Racionalist movement, driven in Catalonia by the GATCPAC group in the 1930s. The aim of this study is to investigte whether, in addition to the influences already mentioned, Coderch was also influenced by North American architecture. This connection, which was never confirmed by the architect, is evident in the structure of the first single-family houses he designed from the 1940s. These share many similarities with the Case study houses promoted by John Entenza in the journal Arts and Architecture in the 1940s in the United States. Based on the graphic and theorical comparisons of single-family houses by Coderch with other North American architectural figures of the time, the main goal is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that calls into question the relationship between these architectures.

Team: Guillem Serra, Javier Salvador, Irene Pinyol
Location: Moianès
Year: 2024
Size: 150 m2
Photo: Irene Pinyol
“Two houses for two friends”  

Two houses with common strategies and values but with their own character. The house is molded to create continuity with the exterior and obtain the best solar orientation. Its geometry generates a private and enclosed garden space while protecting its privacy.

The kitchen/dining area, which links the day and night zones, becomes a semi-outdoor space, understood as part of the garden. A large continuous piece of furniture runs along the entire north facade and serves the different rooms. Local materials and techniques are used.

Connection with the environment seeks not to modify the terrain on which it is located. The extreme climate of Castellcir requires full ventilation in the summer and heat capture in the winter.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Alt Empordà
Year: 2023
Landscape: Mònica Martí
Photo: Simone Marcolin
Casa Gil project consists in the restoration of what used to be a farmer’s house in Vilaür, Alt Empordà. It is born from the will of acknowledging the natural beauty of the environment that surrounds the house. The main existing volume of the pre-existing building and its façade remain untouched. The architecture intervention is very neutral, tailored to the clients' preferences and needs, allowing the landscape to be the main focus of the project. A farm building nearby has been preserved as an integral part of the surroundings, serving as a reminder of the property's history. The garden includes a 22-meter pool inspired by the original "bassas" and "safreigs" of Mediterranean rural areas, designed to satisfy the family's passion for swimming. The domestic design of the interiors consists of a free plan module for daytime activities, connected to the garden through an open porch, and a two-story night area, all thoughtfully arranged to frame the natural surroundings.

Un Jardí Team: Bernat Ginot, Irene Pinyol
School: Master ETSAV
Year: 2023
In Malgrat de Mar, a geographical location with great potential but also highly vulnerable to environmental changes, a project is planned in a strategic location that acts as a boundary between the mountain and the city. The proposal seeks to be a transition point between these two, consolidating an existing garden with unexplored potential. Building a new perimeter offers opportunities to activate the area and connect the city to the forest, while preserving the identity of the site and generating new activities. The creation of a multi-purpose building aimed mainly at performing and cultural activities is planned. This building adopts an architectural language that merges the three defining elements: the agrarian, cultural, and scenic worlds.

Gomis Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2023
Size: 30m2
Photo: Simone Marcolin
A warehouse in Barcelona is turned into a tiny apartment for a young couple. The space aims for maximum optimization, with the most private areas placed at the back of the home, leaving an open room for various daily activities to coexist: working, resting, cooking, dancing…

Casa Verso Team: Oliver Abásolo, Irene Pinyol, Diletta Trinari,
Location: Fuerteventura
Year: Ongoing
Size: 250 m2
Photo: Anton Pinyol
A house for a group of friends  in Fuerteventura.In a very long and narrow site,the house is organized by a vertical axis. Inspired by the original architecture of the island. Small single storey units are unified by a big perforated roof.

Més enllà del Mediterani (TFG)Team:  Irene Pinyol
Academic Research
School: ETSAB
Year: 2023

J.A.Coderch is a paradigmatic architect in Spanish architecture in the twentieth century, along with Gaudí, Sert and Miralles. His rellevance has made him a reference for architecture studies in Spanish universities and on an international level. Coderch’s architecture appears in multiple publications described as an architecture that breaks with the construction standards of the Franquist period. It is clearly influenced by the vernacular mediterranian architecture, in addition to the Racionalist movement, driven in Catalonia by the GATCPAC group in the 1930s. The aim of this study is to investigte whether, in addition to the influences already mentioned, Coderch was also influenced by North American architecture. This connection, which was never confirmed by the architect, is evident in the structure of the first single-family houses he designed from the 1940s. These share many similarities with the Case study houses promoted by John Entenza in the journal Arts and Architecture in the 1940s in the United States. Based on the graphic and theorical comparisons of single-family houses by Coderch with other North American architectural figures of the time, the main goal is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that calls into question the relationship between these architectures.

Sot de les Moles Team: Guillem Serra, Javier Salvador, Irene Pinyol
Location: Moianès
Year: 2024
Size: 150 m2
Photo: Irene Pinyol
“Two houses for two friends”  

Two houses with common strategies and values but with their own character. The house is molded to create continuity with the exterior and obtain the best solar orientation. Its geometry generates a private and enclosed garden space while protecting its privacy.

The kitchen/dining area, which links the day and night zones, becomes a semi-outdoor space, understood as part of the garden. A large continuous piece of furniture runs along the entire north facade and serves the different rooms. Local materials and techniques are used.

Connection with the environment seeks not to modify the terrain on which it is located. The extreme climate of Castellcir requires full ventilation in the summer and heat capture in the winter.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Nou CAP a l’HospitaletTeam: Baile Menduiña+ Despiece
Location: L’Hospitalet
Status: Competition Finalist
Year: 2024
Nou Centre d’AtencióPrimària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet.
L’edifici proposat per al Nou Centre d’Atenció Primària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet vol convertir-se en un element de referència a la ciutat. L’Hospitalet, un municipi en creixement, requereix d’una infraestructura a la seva alçada. Es proposa un edifici que sigui amable amb l’espai públic i el seu entorn, afavorint un diàleg obert i fluid, és per aquest motiu que en Planta Baixa s’obre un carrer que busca generar continuïtat amb la nova plaça enjardinada de la parcel·la 6b. L’edifici fa conviure els diversos programes que ha d’incloure, tenint en compte la diferència entre els seus horaris i circulacions, fent que puguin funcionar per separat però conviu-re en un mateix “espai públic”: el carrer de Planta Baixa. Una de les qüestions més rellevants en aquest tipus d’intervencions d’equipaments és la utilització racional de sistemes i materials: econòmics, durables i que requereixin baix manteniment, així com un consum energètic tendent a zero. Es proposa un edifici amb escala de barri, que s’adapta a la materialitat característica de l’Hospitalet: La ceràmica. Aquest material permet la integració en l’entorn a més de ser un element econòmic i fàcil d’aconseguir. Així doncs es projecta un edifici durable, econòmic, sostenible i integrat en el entorn.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Alt Empordà
Year: 2023
Landscape: Mònica Martí
Photo: Simone Marcolin
Casa Gil project consists in the restoration of what used to be a farmer’s house in Vilaür, Alt Empordà. It is born from the will of acknowledging the natural beauty of the environment that surrounds the house. The main existing volume of the pre-existing building and its façade remain untouched. The architecture intervention is very neutral, tailored to the clients' preferences and needs, allowing the landscape to be the main focus of the project. A farm building nearby has been preserved as an integral part of the surroundings, serving as a reminder of the property's history. The garden includes a 22-meter pool inspired by the original "bassas" and "safreigs" of Mediterranean rural areas, designed to satisfy the family's passion for swimming. The domestic design of the interiors consists of a free plan module for daytime activities, connected to the garden through an open porch, and a two-story night area, all thoughtfully arranged to frame the natural surroundings.

Un Jardí Team: Bernat Ginot, Irene Pinyol
School: Master ETSAV
Year: 2023
In Malgrat de Mar, a geographical location with great potential but also highly vulnerable to environmental changes, a project is planned in a strategic location that acts as a boundary between the mountain and the city. The proposal seeks to be a transition point between these two, consolidating an existing garden with unexplored potential. Building a new perimeter offers opportunities to activate the area and connect the city to the forest, while preserving the identity of the site and generating new activities. The creation of a multi-purpose building aimed mainly at performing and cultural activities is planned. This building adopts an architectural language that merges the three defining elements: the agrarian, cultural, and scenic worlds.

Gomis Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2023
Size: 30m2
Photo: Simone Marcolin
A warehouse in Barcelona is turned into a tiny apartment for a young couple. The space aims for maximum optimization, with the most private areas placed at the back of the home, leaving an open room for various daily activities to coexist: working, resting, cooking, dancing…

Casa Verso Team: Oliver Abásolo, Irene Pinyol, Diletta Trinari,
Location: Fuerteventura
Year: Ongoing
Size: 250 m2
Photo: Anton Pinyol
A house for a group of friends  in Fuerteventura.In a very long and narrow site,the house is organized by a vertical axis. Inspired by the original architecture of the island. Small single storey units are unified by a big perforated roof.

Més enllà del Mediterani (TFG)Team:  Irene Pinyol
Academic Research
School: ETSAB
Year: 2023

J.A.Coderch is a paradigmatic architect in Spanish architecture in the twentieth century, along with Gaudí, Sert and Miralles. His rellevance has made him a reference for architecture studies in Spanish universities and on an international level. Coderch’s architecture appears in multiple publications described as an architecture that breaks with the construction standards of the Franquist period. It is clearly influenced by the vernacular mediterranian architecture, in addition to the Racionalist movement, driven in Catalonia by the GATCPAC group in the 1930s. The aim of this study is to investigte whether, in addition to the influences already mentioned, Coderch was also influenced by North American architecture. This connection, which was never confirmed by the architect, is evident in the structure of the first single-family houses he designed from the 1940s. These share many similarities with the Case study houses promoted by John Entenza in the journal Arts and Architecture in the 1940s in the United States. Based on the graphic and theorical comparisons of single-family houses by Coderch with other North American architectural figures of the time, the main goal is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that calls into question the relationship between these architectures.

Sot de les Moles Team: Guillem Serra, Javier Salvador, Irene Pinyol
Location: Moianès
Year: 2024
Size: 150 m2
Photo: Irene Pinyol
“Two houses for two friends”  

Two houses with common strategies and values but with their own character. The house is molded to create continuity with the exterior and obtain the best solar orientation. Its geometry generates a private and enclosed garden space while protecting its privacy.

The kitchen/dining area, which links the day and night zones, becomes a semi-outdoor space, understood as part of the garden. A large continuous piece of furniture runs along the entire north facade and serves the different rooms. Local materials and techniques are used.

Connection with the environment seeks not to modify the terrain on which it is located. The extreme climate of Castellcir requires full ventilation in the summer and heat capture in the winter.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Nou CAP a l’HospitaletTeam: Baile Menduiña+ Despiece
Location: L’Hospitalet
Status: Competition Finalist
Year: 2024
Nou Centre d’AtencióPrimària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet.
L’edifici proposat per al Nou Centre d’Atenció Primària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet pretén convertir-se en un element de referència a la ciutat. L’Hospitalet, un municipi en creixement, requereix una infraestructura a la seva alçada. Es proposa un edifici que sigui amable amb l’espai públic i el seu entorn, afavorint un diàleg obert i fluid, és per aquest motiu que en Planta Baixa s’obre un carrer que busca generar continuïtat amb la nova plaça enjardinada de la parcel·la 6b. L’edifici fa conviure els diversos programes que ha d’incloure, tenint en compte la diferència entre els seus horaris i circulacions, fent que puguin funcionar per separat però conviu-re en un mateix “espai públic”: el carrer de Planta Baixa. Una de les qüestions més rellevants en aquest tipus d’intervencions d’equipaments és la utilització racional de sistemes i materials: econòmics, durables i que requereixin baix manteniment, així com un consum energètic tendent a zero. Es proposa un edifici amb escala de barri, que s’adapta a la materialitat característica de l’Hospitalet: La ceràmica. Aquest material permet la integració en l’entorn a més de ser un element econòmic i fàcil d’aconseguir. Així doncs es proposa un edifici durable, econòmic, sostenible i integrat en el entorn.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Alt Empordà
Year: 2023
Landscape: Mònica Martí
Photo: Simone Marcolin
Casa Gil project consists in the restoration of what used to be a farmer’s house in Vilaür, Alt Empordà. It is born from the will of acknowledging the natural beauty of the environment that surrounds the house. The main existing volume of the pre-existing building and its façade remain untouched. The architecture intervention is very neutral, tailored to the clients' preferences and needs, allowing the landscape to be the main focus of the project. A farm building nearby has been preserved as an integral part of the surroundings, serving as a reminder of the property's history. The garden includes a 22-meter pool inspired by the original "bassas" and "safreigs" of Mediterranean rural areas, designed to satisfy the family's passion for swimming. The domestic design of the interiors consists of a free plan module for daytime activities, connected to the garden through an open porch, and a two-story night area, all thoughtfully arranged to frame the natural surroundings.

Un Jardí Team: Bernat Ginot, Irene Pinyol
School: Master ETSAV
Year: 2023
In Malgrat de Mar, a geographical location with great potential but also highly vulnerable to environmental changes, a project is planned in a strategic location that acts as a boundary between the mountain and the city. The proposal seeks to be a transition point between these two, consolidating an existing garden with unexplored potential. Building a new perimeter offers opportunities to activate the area and connect the city to the forest, while preserving the identity of the site and generating new activities. The creation of a multi-purpose building aimed mainly at performing and cultural activities is planned. This building adopts an architectural language that merges the three defining elements: the agrarian, cultural, and scenic worlds.

Gomis Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2023
Size: 30m2
Photo: Simone Marcolin
A warehouse in Barcelona is turned into a tiny apartment for a young couple. The space aims for maximum optimization, with the most private areas placed at the back of the home, leaving an open room for various daily activities to coexist: working, resting, cooking, dancing…

Casa Verso Team: Oliver Abásolo, Irene Pinyol, Diletta Trinari,
Location: Fuerteventura
Year: Ongoing
Size: 250 m2
Photo: Anton Pinyol
A house for a group of friends  in Fuerteventura.In a very long and narrow site,the house is organized by a vertical axis. Inspired by the original architecture of the island. Small single storey units are unified by a big perforated roof.

Més enllà del Mediterani (TFG)Team:  Irene Pinyol
Academic Research
School: ETSAB
Year: 2023

J.A.Coderch is a paradigmatic architect in Spanish architecture in the twentieth century, along with Gaudí, Sert and Miralles. His rellevance has made him a reference for architecture studies in Spanish universities and on an international level. Coderch’s architecture appears in multiple publications described as an architecture that breaks with the construction standards of the Franquist period. It is clearly influenced by the vernacular mediterranian architecture, in addition to the Racionalist movement, driven in Catalonia by the GATCPAC group in the 1930s. The aim of this study is to investigte whether, in addition to the influences already mentioned, Coderch was also influenced by North American architecture. This connection, which was never confirmed by the architect, is evident in the structure of the first single-family houses he designed from the 1940s. These share many similarities with the Case study houses promoted by John Entenza in the journal Arts and Architecture in the 1940s in the United States. Based on the graphic and theorical comparisons of single-family houses by Coderch with other North American architectural figures of the time, the main goal is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that calls into question the relationship between these architectures.

Sot de les Moles Team: Guillem Serra, Javier Salvador, Irene Pinyol
Location: Moianès
Year: 2024
Size: 150 m2
Photo: Irene Pinyol
“Two houses for two friends”  

Two houses with common strategies and values but with their own character. The house is molded to create continuity with the exterior and obtain the best solar orientation. Its geometry generates a private and enclosed garden space while protecting its privacy.

The kitchen/dining area, which links the day and night zones, becomes a semi-outdoor space, understood as part of the garden. A large continuous piece of furniture runs along the entire north facade and serves the different rooms. Local materials and techniques are used.

Connection with the environment seeks not to modify the terrain on which it is located. The extreme climate of Castellcir requires full ventilation in the summer and heat capture in the winter.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool. 
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Nou CAP a l’HospitaletTeam: Baile Menduiña+ Despiece
Location: L’Hospitalet
Status: Competition Finalist
Year: 2024
Nou Centre d’AtencióPrimària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet.
L’edifici proposat per al Nou Centre d’Atenció Primària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet vol convertir-se en un element de referència a la ciutat. L’Hospitalet, un municipi en creixement, requereix d’una infraestructura a la seva alçada. Es proposa un edifici que sigui amable amb l’espai públic i el seu entorn, afavorint un diàleg obert i fluid, és per aquest motiu que en Planta Baixa s’obre un carrer que busca generar continuïtat amb la nova plaça enjardinada de la parcel·la 6b. L’edifici fa conviure els diversos programes que ha d’incloure, tenint en compte la diferència entre els seus horaris i circulacions, fent que puguin funcionar per separat però conviu-re en un mateix “espai públic”: el carrer de Planta Baixa. Una de les qüestions més rellevants en aquest tipus d’intervencions d’equipaments és la utilització racional de sistemes i materials: econòmics, durables i que requereixin baix manteniment, així com un consum energètic tendent a zero. Es proposa un edifici amb escala de barri, que s’adapta a la materialitat característica de l’Hospitalet: La ceràmica. Aquest material permet la integració en l’entorn a més de ser un element econòmic i fàcil d’aconseguir. Així doncs es projecta un edifici durable, econòmic, sostenible i integrat en el entorn.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Alt Empordà
Year: 2023
Landscape: Mònica Martí
Photo: Simone Marcolin
Casa Gil project consists in the restoration of what used to be a farmer’s house in Vilaür, Alt Empordà. It is born from the will of acknowledging the natural beauty of the environment that surrounds the house. The main existing volume of the pre-existing building and its façade remain untouched. The architecture intervention is very neutral, tailored to the clients' preferences and needs, allowing the landscape to be the main focus of the project. A farm building nearby has been preserved as an integral part of the surroundings, serving as a reminder of the property's history. The garden includes a 22-meter pool inspired by the original "bassas" and "safreigs" of Mediterranean rural areas, designed to satisfy the family's passion for swimming. The domestic design of the interiors consists of a free plan module for daytime activities, connected to the garden through an open porch, and a two-story night area, all thoughtfully arranged to frame the natural surroundings.

Un Jardí Team: Bernat Ginot, Irene Pinyol
School: Master ETSAV
Year: 2023
In Malgrat de Mar, a geographical location with great potential but also highly vulnerable to environmental changes, a project is planned in a strategic location that acts as a boundary between the mountain and the city. The proposal seeks to be a transition point between these two, consolidating an existing garden with unexplored potential. Building a new perimeter offers opportunities to activate the area and connect the city to the forest, while preserving the identity of the site and generating new activities. The creation of a multi-purpose building aimed mainly at performing and cultural activities is planned. This building adopts an architectural language that merges the three defining elements: the agrarian, cultural, and scenic worlds.

Gomis Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2023
Size: 30m2
Photo: Simone Marcolin
A warehouse in Barcelona is turned into a tiny apartment for a young couple. The space aims for maximum optimization, with the most private areas placed at the back of the home, leaving an open room for various daily activities to coexist: working, resting, cooking, dancing…

Casa Verso Team: Oliver Abásolo, Irene Pinyol, Diletta Trinari,
Location: Fuerteventura
Year: Ongoing
Size: 250 m2
Photo: Anton Pinyol
A house for a group of friends  in Fuerteventura.In a very long and narrow site,the house is organized by a vertical axis. Inspired by the original architecture of the island. Small single storey units are unified by a big perforated roof.

Més enllà del Mediterani (TFG)Team:  Irene Pinyol
Academic Research
School: ETSAB
Year: 2023

J.A.Coderch is a paradigmatic architect in Spanish architecture in the twentieth century, along with Gaudí, Sert and Miralles. His rellevance has made him a reference for architecture studies in Spanish universities and on an international level. Coderch’s architecture appears in multiple publications described as an architecture that breaks with the construction standards of the Franquist period. It is clearly influenced by the vernacular mediterranian architecture, in addition to the Racionalist movement, driven in Catalonia by the GATCPAC group in the 1930s. The aim of this study is to investigte whether, in addition to the influences already mentioned, Coderch was also influenced by North American architecture. This connection, which was never confirmed by the architect, is evident in the structure of the first single-family houses he designed from the 1940s. These share many similarities with the Case study houses promoted by John Entenza in the journal Arts and Architecture in the 1940s in the United States. Based on the graphic and theorical comparisons of single-family houses by Coderch with other North American architectural figures of the time, the main goal is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that calls into question the relationship between these architectures.

Sot de les Moles Team: Guillem Serra, Javier Salvador, Irene Pinyol
Location: Moianès
Year: 2024
Size: 150 m2
Photo: Irene Pinyol
“Two houses for two friends”  

Two houses with common strategies and values but with their own character. The house is molded to create continuity with the exterior and obtain the best solar orientation. Its geometry generates a private and enclosed garden space while protecting its privacy.

The kitchen/dining area, which links the day and night zones, becomes a semi-outdoor space, understood as part of the garden. A large continuous piece of furniture runs along the entire north facade and serves the different rooms. Local materials and techniques are used.

Connection with the environment seeks not to modify the terrain on which it is located. The extreme climate of Castellcir requires full ventilation in the summer and heat capture in the winter.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Nou CAP a l’HospitaletTeam: Baile Menduiña+ Despiece
Location: L’Hospitalet
Status: Competition Finalist
Year: 2024
Nou Centre d’AtencióPrimària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet.
L’edifici proposat per al Nou Centre d’Atenció Primària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet pretén convertir-se en un element de referència a la ciutat. L’Hospitalet, un municipi en creixement, requereix una infraestructura a la seva alçada. Es proposa un edifici que sigui amable amb l’espai públic i el seu entorn, afavorint un diàleg obert i fluid, és per aquest motiu que en Planta Baixa s’obre un carrer que busca generar continuïtat amb la nova plaça enjardinada de la parcel·la 6b. L’edifici fa conviure els diversos programes que ha d’incloure, tenint en compte la diferència entre els seus horaris i circulacions, fent que puguin funcionar per separat però conviu-re en un mateix “espai públic”: el carrer de Planta Baixa. Una de les qüestions més rellevants en aquest tipus d’intervencions d’equipaments és la utilització racional de sistemes i materials: econòmics, durables i que requereixin baix manteniment, així com un consum energètic tendent a zero. Es proposa un edifici amb escala de barri, que s’adapta a la materialitat característica de l’Hospitalet: La ceràmica. Aquest material permet la integració en l’entorn a més de ser un element econòmic i fàcil d’aconseguir. Així doncs es proposa un edifici durable, econòmic, sostenible i integrat en el entorn.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Alt Empordà
Year: 2023
Landscape: Mònica Martí
Photo: Simone Marcolin
Casa Gil project consists in the restoration of what used to be a farmer’s house in Vilaür, Alt Empordà. It is born from the will of acknowledging the natural beauty of the environment that surrounds the house. The main existing volume of the pre-existing building and its façade remain untouched. The architecture intervention is very neutral, tailored to the clients' preferences and needs, allowing the landscape to be the main focus of the project. A farm building nearby has been preserved as an integral part of the surroundings, serving as a reminder of the property's history. The garden includes a 22-meter pool inspired by the original "bassas" and "safreigs" of Mediterranean rural areas, designed to satisfy the family's passion for swimming. The domestic design of the interiors consists of a free plan module for daytime activities, connected to the garden through an open porch, and a two-story night area, all thoughtfully arranged to frame the natural surroundings.

Un Jardí Team: Bernat Ginot, Irene Pinyol
School: Master ETSAV
Year: 2023
In Malgrat de Mar, a geographical location with great potential but also highly vulnerable to environmental changes, a project is planned in a strategic location that acts as a boundary between the mountain and the city. The proposal seeks to be a transition point between these two, consolidating an existing garden with unexplored potential. Building a new perimeter offers opportunities to activate the area and connect the city to the forest, while preserving the identity of the site and generating new activities. The creation of a multi-purpose building aimed mainly at performing and cultural activities is planned. This building adopts an architectural language that merges the three defining elements: the agrarian, cultural, and scenic worlds.

Gomis Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2023
Size: 30m2
Photo: Simone Marcolin
A warehouse in Barcelona is turned into a tiny apartment for a young couple. The space aims for maximum optimization, with the most private areas placed at the back of the home, leaving an open room for various daily activities to coexist: working, resting, cooking, dancing…

Casa Verso Team: Oliver Abásolo, Irene Pinyol, Diletta Trinari,
Location: Fuerteventura
Year: Ongoing
Size: 250 m2
Photo: Anton Pinyol
A house for a group of friends  in Fuerteventura.In a very long and narrow site,the house is organized by a vertical axis. Inspired by the original architecture of the island. Small single storey units are unified by a big perforated roof.

Més enllà del Mediterani (TFG)Team:  Irene Pinyol
Academic Research
School: ETSAB
Year: 2023

J.A.Coderch is a paradigmatic architect in Spanish architecture in the twentieth century, along with Gaudí, Sert and Miralles. His rellevance has made him a reference for architecture studies in Spanish universities and on an international level. Coderch’s architecture appears in multiple publications described as an architecture that breaks with the construction standards of the Franquist period. It is clearly influenced by the vernacular mediterranian architecture, in addition to the Racionalist movement, driven in Catalonia by the GATCPAC group in the 1930s. The aim of this study is to investigte whether, in addition to the influences already mentioned, Coderch was also influenced by North American architecture. This connection, which was never confirmed by the architect, is evident in the structure of the first single-family houses he designed from the 1940s. These share many similarities with the Case study houses promoted by John Entenza in the journal Arts and Architecture in the 1940s in the United States. Based on the graphic and theorical comparisons of single-family houses by Coderch with other North American architectural figures of the time, the main goal is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that calls into question the relationship between these architectures.

Sot de les Moles Team: Guillem Serra, Javier Salvador, Irene Pinyol
Location: Moianès
Year: 2024
Size: 150 m2
Photo: Irene Pinyol
“Two houses for two friends”  

Two houses with common strategies and values but with their own character. The house is molded to create continuity with the exterior and obtain the best solar orientation. Its geometry generates a private and enclosed garden space while protecting its privacy.

The kitchen/dining area, which links the day and night zones, becomes a semi-outdoor space, understood as part of the garden. A large continuous piece of furniture runs along the entire north facade and serves the different rooms. Local materials and techniques are used.

Connection with the environment seeks not to modify the terrain on which it is located. The extreme climate of Castellcir requires full ventilation in the summer and heat capture in the winter.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Team: Baile Menduiña+ Despiece
Location: L’Hospitalet
Status: Competition Finalist
Year: 2024
Nou Centre d’AtencióPrimària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet.
L’edifici proposat per al Nou Centre d’Atenció Primària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet pretén convertir-se en un element de referència a la ciutat. L’Hospitalet, un municipi en creixement, requereix una infraestructura a la seva alçada. Es proposa un edifici que sigui amable amb l’espai públic i el seu entorn, afavorint un diàleg obert i fluid, és per aquest motiu que en Planta Baixa s’obre un carrer que busca generar continuïtat amb la nova plaça enjardinada de la parcel·la 6b. L’edifici fa conviure els diversos programes que ha d’incloure, tenint en compte la diferència entre els seus horaris i circulacions, fent que puguin funcionar per separat però conviu-re en un mateix “espai públic”: el carrer de Planta Baixa. Una de les qüestions més rellevants en aquest tipus d’intervencions d’equipaments és la utilització racional de sistemes i materials: econòmics, durables i que requereixin baix manteniment, així com un consum energètic tendent a zero. Es proposa un edifici amb escala de barri, que s’adapta a la materialitat característica de l’Hospitalet: La ceràmica. Aquest material permet la integració en l’entorn a més de ser un element econòmic i fàcil d’aconseguir. Així doncs es proposa un edifici durable, econòmic, sostenible i integrat en el entorn.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Alt Empordà
Year: 2023
Landscape: Mònica Martí
Photo: Simone Marcolin
Casa Gil project consists in the restoration of what used to be a farmer’s house in Vilaür, Alt Empordà. It is born from the will of acknowledging the natural beauty of the environment that surrounds the house. The main existing volume of the pre-existing building and its façade remain untouched. The architecture intervention is very neutral, tailored to the clients' preferences and needs, allowing the landscape to be the main focus of the project. A farm building nearby has been preserved as an integral part of the surroundings, serving as a reminder of the property's history. The garden includes a 22-meter pool inspired by the original "bassas" and "safreigs" of Mediterranean rural areas, designed to satisfy the family's passion for swimming. The domestic design of the interiors consists of a free plan module for daytime activities, connected to the garden through an open porch, and a two-story night area, all thoughtfully arranged to frame the natural surroundings.

Team: Bernat Ginot, Irene Pinyol
School: Master ETSAV
Year: 2023
In Malgrat de Mar, a geographical location with great potential but also highly vulnerable to environmental changes, a project is planned in a strategic location that acts as a boundary between the mountain and the city. The proposal seeks to be a transition point between these two, consolidating an existing garden with unexplored potential. Building a new perimeter offers opportunities to activate the area and connect the city to the forest, while preserving the identity of the site and generating new activities. The creation of a multi-purpose building aimed mainly at performing and cultural activities is planned. This building adopts an architectural language that merges the three defining elements: the agrarian, cultural, and scenic worlds.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2023
Size: 30m2
Photo: Simone Marcolin
A warehouse in Barcelona is turned into a tiny apartment for a young couple. The space aims for maximum optimization, with the most private areas placed at the back of the home, leaving an open room for various daily activities to coexist: working, resting, cooking, dancing…

Team: Oliver Abásolo, Irene Pinyol, Diletta Trinari,
Location: Fuerteventura
Year: Ongoing
Size: 250 m2
Photo: Anton Pinyol
A house for a group of friends  in Fuerteventura.In a very long and narrow site,the house is organized by a vertical axis. Inspired by the original architecture of the island. Small single storey units are unified by a big perforated roof.

Team:  Irene Pinyol
Academic Research
School: ETSAB
Year: 2023

J.A.Coderch is a paradigmatic architect in Spanish architecture in the twentieth century, along with Gaudí, Sert and Miralles. His rellevance has made him a reference for architecture studies in Spanish universities and on an international level. Coderch’s architecture appears in multiple publications described as an architecture that breaks with the construction standards of the Franquist period. It is clearly influenced by the vernacular mediterranian architecture, in addition to the Racionalist movement, driven in Catalonia by the GATCPAC group in the 1930s. The aim of this study is to investigte whether, in addition to the influences already mentioned, Coderch was also influenced by North American architecture. This connection, which was never confirmed by the architect, is evident in the structure of the first single-family houses he designed from the 1940s. These share many similarities with the Case study houses promoted by John Entenza in the journal Arts and Architecture in the 1940s in the United States. Based on the graphic and theorical comparisons of single-family houses by Coderch with other North American architectural figures of the time, the main goal is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that calls into question the relationship between these architectures.

Team: Guillem Serra, Javier Salvador, Irene Pinyol
Location: Moianès
Year: 2024
Size: 150 m2
Photo: Irene Pinyol
“Two houses for two friends”  

Two houses with common strategies and values but with their own character. The house is molded to create continuity with the exterior and obtain the best solar orientation. Its geometry generates a private and enclosed garden space while protecting its privacy.

The kitchen/dining area, which links the day and night zones, becomes a semi-outdoor space, understood as part of the garden. A large continuous piece of furniture runs along the entire north facade and serves the different rooms. Local materials and techniques are used.

Connection with the environment seeks not to modify the terrain on which it is located. The extreme climate of Castellcir requires full ventilation in the summer and heat capture in the winter.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Alt Empordà
Year: 2023
Landscape: Mònica Martí
Photo: Simone Marcolin
Casa Gil project consists in the restoration of what used to be a farmer’s house in Vilaür, Alt Empordà. It is born from the will of acknowledging the natural beauty of the environment that surrounds the house. The main existing volume of the pre-existing building and its façade remain untouched. The architecture intervention is very neutral, tailored to the clients' preferences and needs, allowing the landscape to be the main focus of the project. A farm building nearby has been preserved as an integral part of the surroundings, serving as a reminder of the property's history. The garden includes a 22-meter pool inspired by the original "bassas" and "safreigs" of Mediterranean rural areas, designed to satisfy the family's passion for swimming. The domestic design of the interiors consists of a free plan module for daytime activities, connected to the garden through an open porch, and a two-story night area, all thoughtfully arranged to frame the natural surroundings.

Team: Bernat Ginot, Irene Pinyol
School: Master ETSAV
Year: 2023
In Malgrat de Mar, a geographical location with great potential but also highly vulnerable to environmental changes, a project is planned in a strategic location that acts as a boundary between the mountain and the city. The proposal seeks to be a transition point between these two, consolidating an existing garden with unexplored potential. Building a new perimeter offers opportunities to activate the area and connect the city to the forest, while preserving the identity of the site and generating new activities. The creation of a multi-purpose building aimed mainly at performing and cultural activities is planned. This building adopts an architectural language that merges the three defining elements: the agrarian, cultural, and scenic worlds.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2023
Size: 30m2
Photo: Simone Marcolin
A warehouse in Barcelona is turned into a tiny apartment for a young couple. The space aims for maximum optimization, with the most private areas placed at the back of the home, leaving an open room for various daily activities to coexist: working, resting, cooking, dancing…

Team: Oliver Abásolo, Irene Pinyol, Diletta Trinari,
Location: Fuerteventura
Year: Ongoing
Size: 250 m2
Photo: Anton Pinyol
A house for a group of friends  in Fuerteventura.In a very long and narrow site,the house is organized by a vertical axis. Inspired by the original architecture of the island. Small single storey units are unified by a big perforated roof.

Team:  Irene Pinyol
Academic Research
School: ETSAB
Year: 2023

J.A.Coderch is a paradigmatic architect in Spanish architecture in the twentieth century, along with Gaudí, Sert and Miralles. His rellevance has made him a reference for architecture studies in Spanish universities and on an international level. Coderch’s architecture appears in multiple publications described as an architecture that breaks with the construction standards of the Franquist period. It is clearly influenced by the vernacular mediterranian architecture, in addition to the Racionalist movement, driven in Catalonia by the GATCPAC group in the 1930s. The aim of this study is to investigte whether, in addition to the influences already mentioned, Coderch was also influenced by North American architecture. This connection, which was never confirmed by the architect, is evident in the structure of the first single-family houses he designed from the 1940s. These share many similarities with the Case study houses promoted by John Entenza in the journal Arts and Architecture in the 1940s in the United States. Based on the graphic and theorical comparisons of single-family houses by Coderch with other North American architectural figures of the time, the main goal is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that calls into question the relationship between these architectures.

Team: Guillem Serra, Javier Salvador, Irene Pinyol
Location: Moianès
Year: 2024
Size: 150 m2
Photo: Irene Pinyol
“Two houses for two friends”  

Two houses with common strategies and values but with their own character. The house is molded to create continuity with the exterior and obtain the best solar orientation. Its geometry generates a private and enclosed garden space while protecting its privacy.

The kitchen/dining area, which links the day and night zones, becomes a semi-outdoor space, understood as part of the garden. A large continuous piece of furniture runs along the entire north facade and serves the different rooms. Local materials and techniques are used.

Connection with the environment seeks not to modify the terrain on which it is located. The extreme climate of Castellcir requires full ventilation in the summer and heat capture in the winter.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Alt Empordà
Year: 2023
Landscape: Mònica Martí
Photo: Simone Marcolin
Casa Gil project consists in the restoration of what used to be a farmer’s house in Vilaür, Alt Empordà. It is born from the will of acknowledging the natural beauty of the environment that surrounds the house. The main existing volume of the pre-existing building and its façade remain untouched. The architecture intervention is very neutral, tailored to the clients' preferences and needs, allowing the landscape to be the main focus of the project. A farm building nearby has been preserved as an integral part of the surroundings, serving as a reminder of the property's history. The garden includes a 22-meter pool inspired by the original "bassas" and "safreigs" of Mediterranean rural areas, designed to satisfy the family's passion for swimming. The domestic design of the interiors consists of a free plan module for daytime activities, connected to the garden through an open porch, and a two-story night area, all thoughtfully arranged to frame the natural surroundings.

Un Jardí Team: Bernat Ginot, Irene Pinyol
School: Master ETSAV
Year: 2023
In Malgrat de Mar, a geographical location with great potential but also highly vulnerable to environmental changes, a project is planned in a strategic location that acts as a boundary between the mountain and the city. The proposal seeks to be a transition point between these two, consolidating an existing garden with unexplored potential. Building a new perimeter offers opportunities to activate the area and connect the city to the forest, while preserving the identity of the site and generating new activities. The creation of a multi-purpose building aimed mainly at performing and cultural activities is planned. This building adopts an architectural language that merges the three defining elements: the agrarian, cultural, and scenic worlds.

Gomis Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2023
Size: 30m2
Photo: Simone Marcolin
A warehouse in Barcelona is turned into a tiny apartment for a young couple. The space aims for maximum optimization, with the most private areas placed at the back of the home, leaving an open room for various daily activities to coexist: working, resting, cooking, dancing…

Casa Verso Team: Oliver Abásolo, Irene Pinyol, Diletta Trinari,
Location: Fuerteventura
Year: Ongoing
Size: 250 m2
Photo: Anton Pinyol
A house for a group of friends  in Fuerteventura.In a very long and narrow site,the house is organized by a vertical axis. Inspired by the original architecture of the island. Small single storey units are unified by a big perforated roof.

Més enllà del Mediterani (TFG)Team:  Irene Pinyol
Academic Research
School: ETSAB
Year: 2023

J.A.Coderch is a paradigmatic architect in Spanish architecture in the twentieth century, along with Gaudí, Sert and Miralles. His rellevance has made him a reference for architecture studies in Spanish universities and on an international level. Coderch’s architecture appears in multiple publications described as an architecture that breaks with the construction standards of the Franquist period. It is clearly influenced by the vernacular mediterranian architecture, in addition to the Racionalist movement, driven in Catalonia by the GATCPAC group in the 1930s. The aim of this study is to investigte whether, in addition to the influences already mentioned, Coderch was also influenced by North American architecture. This connection, which was never confirmed by the architect, is evident in the structure of the first single-family houses he designed from the 1940s. These share many similarities with the Case study houses promoted by John Entenza in the journal Arts and Architecture in the 1940s in the United States. Based on the graphic and theorical comparisons of single-family houses by Coderch with other North American architectural figures of the time, the main goal is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that calls into question the relationship between these architectures.

Sot de les Moles Team: Guillem Serra, Javier Salvador, Irene Pinyol
Location: Moianès
Year: 2024
Size: 150 m2
Photo: Irene Pinyol
“Two houses for two friends”  

Two houses with common strategies and values but with their own character. The house is molded to create continuity with the exterior and obtain the best solar orientation. Its geometry generates a private and enclosed garden space while protecting its privacy.

The kitchen/dining area, which links the day and night zones, becomes a semi-outdoor space, understood as part of the garden. A large continuous piece of furniture runs along the entire north facade and serves the different rooms. Local materials and techniques are used.

Connection with the environment seeks not to modify the terrain on which it is located. The extreme climate of Castellcir requires full ventilation in the summer and heat capture in the winter.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Nou CAP a l’HospitaletTeam: Baile Menduiña+ Despiece
Location: L’Hospitalet
Status: Competition Finalist
Year: 2024
Nou Centre d’AtencióPrimària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet.
L’edifici proposat per al Nou Centre d’Atenció Primària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet vol convertir-se en un element de referència a la ciutat. L’Hospitalet, un municipi en creixement, requereix d’una infraestructura a la seva alçada. Es proposa un edifici que sigui amable amb l’espai públic i el seu entorn, afavorint un diàleg obert i fluid, és per aquest motiu que en Planta Baixa s’obre un carrer que busca generar continuïtat amb la nova plaça enjardinada de la parcel·la 6b. L’edifici fa conviure els diversos programes que ha d’incloure, tenint en compte la diferència entre els seus horaris i circulacions, fent que puguin funcionar per separat però conviu-re en un mateix “espai públic”: el carrer de Planta Baixa. Una de les qüestions més rellevants en aquest tipus d’intervencions d’equipaments és la utilització racional de sistemes i materials: econòmics, durables i que requereixin baix manteniment, així com un consum energètic tendent a zero. Es proposa un edifici amb escala de barri, que s’adapta a la materialitat característica de l’Hospitalet: La ceràmica. Aquest material permet la integració en l’entorn a més de ser un element econòmic i fàcil d’aconseguir. Així doncs es projecta un edifici durable, econòmic, sostenible i integrat en el entorn.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Alt Empordà
Year: 2023
Landscape: Mònica Martí
Photo: Simone Marcolin
Casa Gil project consists in the restoration of what used to be a farmer’s house in Vilaür, Alt Empordà. It is born from the will of acknowledging the natural beauty of the environment that surrounds the house. The main existing volume of the pre-existing building and its façade remain untouched. The architecture intervention is very neutral, tailored to the clients' preferences and needs, allowing the landscape to be the main focus of the project. A farm building nearby has been preserved as an integral part of the surroundings, serving as a reminder of the property's history. The garden includes a 22-meter pool inspired by the original "bassas" and "safreigs" of Mediterranean rural areas, designed to satisfy the family's passion for swimming. The domestic design of the interiors consists of a free plan module for daytime activities, connected to the garden through an open porch, and a two-story night area, all thoughtfully arranged to frame the natural surroundings.

Un Jardí Team: Bernat Ginot, Irene Pinyol
School: Master ETSAV
Year: 2023
In Malgrat de Mar, a geographical location with great potential but also highly vulnerable to environmental changes, a project is planned in a strategic location that acts as a boundary between the mountain and the city. The proposal seeks to be a transition point between these two, consolidating an existing garden with unexplored potential. Building a new perimeter offers opportunities to activate the area and connect the city to the forest, while preserving the identity of the site and generating new activities. The creation of a multi-purpose building aimed mainly at performing and cultural activities is planned. This building adopts an architectural language that merges the three defining elements: the agrarian, cultural, and scenic worlds.

Gomis Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2023
Size: 30m2
Photo: Simone Marcolin
A warehouse in Barcelona is turned into a tiny apartment for a young couple. The space aims for maximum optimization, with the most private areas placed at the back of the home, leaving an open room for various daily activities to coexist: working, resting, cooking, dancing…

Casa Verso Team: Oliver Abásolo, Irene Pinyol, Diletta Trinari,
Location: Fuerteventura
Year: Ongoing
Size: 250 m2
Photo: Anton Pinyol
A house for a group of friends  in Fuerteventura.In a very long and narrow site,the house is organized by a vertical axis. Inspired by the original architecture of the island. Small single storey units are unified by a big perforated roof.

Més enllà del Mediterani (TFG)Team:  Irene Pinyol
Academic Research
School: ETSAB
Year: 2023

J.A.Coderch is a paradigmatic architect in Spanish architecture in the twentieth century, along with Gaudí, Sert and Miralles. His rellevance has made him a reference for architecture studies in Spanish universities and on an international level. Coderch’s architecture appears in multiple publications described as an architecture that breaks with the construction standards of the Franquist period. It is clearly influenced by the vernacular mediterranian architecture, in addition to the Racionalist movement, driven in Catalonia by the GATCPAC group in the 1930s. The aim of this study is to investigte whether, in addition to the influences already mentioned, Coderch was also influenced by North American architecture. This connection, which was never confirmed by the architect, is evident in the structure of the first single-family houses he designed from the 1940s. These share many similarities with the Case study houses promoted by John Entenza in the journal Arts and Architecture in the 1940s in the United States. Based on the graphic and theorical comparisons of single-family houses by Coderch with other North American architectural figures of the time, the main goal is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that calls into question the relationship between these architectures.

Sot de les Moles Team: Guillem Serra, Javier Salvador, Irene Pinyol
Location: Moianès
Year: 2024
Size: 150 m2
Photo: Irene Pinyol
“Two houses for two friends”  

Two houses with common strategies and values but with their own character. The house is molded to create continuity with the exterior and obtain the best solar orientation. Its geometry generates a private and enclosed garden space while protecting its privacy.

The kitchen/dining area, which links the day and night zones, becomes a semi-outdoor space, understood as part of the garden. A large continuous piece of furniture runs along the entire north facade and serves the different rooms. Local materials and techniques are used.

Connection with the environment seeks not to modify the terrain on which it is located. The extreme climate of Castellcir requires full ventilation in the summer and heat capture in the winter.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Nou CAP a l’HospitaletTeam: Baile Menduiña+ Despiece
Location: L’Hospitalet
Status: Competition Finalist
Year: 2024
Nou Centre d’AtencióPrimària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet.
L’edifici proposat per al Nou Centre d’Atenció Primària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet pretén convertir-se en un element de referència a la ciutat. L’Hospitalet, un municipi en creixement, requereix una infraestructura a la seva alçada. Es proposa un edifici que sigui amable amb l’espai públic i el seu entorn, afavorint un diàleg obert i fluid, és per aquest motiu que en Planta Baixa s’obre un carrer que busca generar continuïtat amb la nova plaça enjardinada de la parcel·la 6b. L’edifici fa conviure els diversos programes que ha d’incloure, tenint en compte la diferència entre els seus horaris i circulacions, fent que puguin funcionar per separat però conviu-re en un mateix “espai públic”: el carrer de Planta Baixa. Una de les qüestions més rellevants en aquest tipus d’intervencions d’equipaments és la utilització racional de sistemes i materials: econòmics, durables i que requereixin baix manteniment, així com un consum energètic tendent a zero. Es proposa un edifici amb escala de barri, que s’adapta a la materialitat característica de l’Hospitalet: La ceràmica. Aquest material permet la integració en l’entorn a més de ser un element econòmic i fàcil d’aconseguir. Així doncs es proposa un edifici durable, econòmic, sostenible i integrat en el entorn.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Alt Empordà
Year: 2023
Landscape: Mònica Martí
Photo: Simone Marcolin
Casa Gil project consists in the restoration of what used to be a farmer’s house in Vilaür, Alt Empordà. It is born from the will of acknowledging the natural beauty of the environment that surrounds the house. The main existing volume of the pre-existing building and its façade remain untouched. The architecture intervention is very neutral, tailored to the clients' preferences and needs, allowing the landscape to be the main focus of the project. A farm building nearby has been preserved as an integral part of the surroundings, serving as a reminder of the property's history. The garden includes a 22-meter pool inspired by the original "bassas" and "safreigs" of Mediterranean rural areas, designed to satisfy the family's passion for swimming. The domestic design of the interiors consists of a free plan module for daytime activities, connected to the garden through an open porch, and a two-story night area, all thoughtfully arranged to frame the natural surroundings.

Un Jardí Team: Bernat Ginot, Irene Pinyol
School: Master ETSAV
Year: 2023
In Malgrat de Mar, a geographical location with great potential but also highly vulnerable to environmental changes, a project is planned in a strategic location that acts as a boundary between the mountain and the city. The proposal seeks to be a transition point between these two, consolidating an existing garden with unexplored potential. Building a new perimeter offers opportunities to activate the area and connect the city to the forest, while preserving the identity of the site and generating new activities. The creation of a multi-purpose building aimed mainly at performing and cultural activities is planned. This building adopts an architectural language that merges the three defining elements: the agrarian, cultural, and scenic worlds.

Gomis Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2023
Size: 30m2
Photo: Simone Marcolin
A warehouse in Barcelona is turned into a tiny apartment for a young couple. The space aims for maximum optimization, with the most private areas placed at the back of the home, leaving an open room for various daily activities to coexist: working, resting, cooking, dancing…

Casa Verso Team: Oliver Abásolo, Irene Pinyol, Diletta Trinari,
Location: Fuerteventura
Year: Ongoing
Size: 250 m2
Photo: Anton Pinyol
A house for a group of friends  in Fuerteventura.In a very long and narrow site,the house is organized by a vertical axis. Inspired by the original architecture of the island. Small single storey units are unified by a big perforated roof.

Més enllà del Mediterani (TFG)Team:  Irene Pinyol
Academic Research
School: ETSAB
Year: 2023

J.A.Coderch is a paradigmatic architect in Spanish architecture in the twentieth century, along with Gaudí, Sert and Miralles. His rellevance has made him a reference for architecture studies in Spanish universities and on an international level. Coderch’s architecture appears in multiple publications described as an architecture that breaks with the construction standards of the Franquist period. It is clearly influenced by the vernacular mediterranian architecture, in addition to the Racionalist movement, driven in Catalonia by the GATCPAC group in the 1930s. The aim of this study is to investigte whether, in addition to the influences already mentioned, Coderch was also influenced by North American architecture. This connection, which was never confirmed by the architect, is evident in the structure of the first single-family houses he designed from the 1940s. These share many similarities with the Case study houses promoted by John Entenza in the journal Arts and Architecture in the 1940s in the United States. Based on the graphic and theorical comparisons of single-family houses by Coderch with other North American architectural figures of the time, the main goal is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that calls into question the relationship between these architectures.

Sot de les Moles Team: Guillem Serra, Javier Salvador, Irene Pinyol
Location: Moianès
Year: 2024
Size: 150 m2
Photo: Irene Pinyol
“Two houses for two friends”  

Two houses with common strategies and values but with their own character. The house is molded to create continuity with the exterior and obtain the best solar orientation. Its geometry generates a private and enclosed garden space while protecting its privacy.

The kitchen/dining area, which links the day and night zones, becomes a semi-outdoor space, understood as part of the garden. A large continuous piece of furniture runs along the entire north facade and serves the different rooms. Local materials and techniques are used.

Connection with the environment seeks not to modify the terrain on which it is located. The extreme climate of Castellcir requires full ventilation in the summer and heat capture in the winter.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Team: Baile Menduiña+ Despiece
Location: L’Hospitalet
Status: Competition Finalist
Year: 2024
Nou Centre d’AtencióPrimària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet.
L’edifici proposat per al Nou Centre d’Atenció Primària Sant Josep-La Farga a l’Hospitalet pretén convertir-se en un element de referència a la ciutat. L’Hospitalet, un municipi en creixement, requereix una infraestructura a la seva alçada. Es proposa un edifici que sigui amable amb l’espai públic i el seu entorn, afavorint un diàleg obert i fluid, és per aquest motiu que en Planta Baixa s’obre un carrer que busca generar continuïtat amb la nova plaça enjardinada de la parcel·la 6b. L’edifici fa conviure els diversos programes que ha d’incloure, tenint en compte la diferència entre els seus horaris i circulacions, fent que puguin funcionar per separat però conviu-re en un mateix “espai públic”: el carrer de Planta Baixa. Una de les qüestions més rellevants en aquest tipus d’intervencions d’equipaments és la utilització racional de sistemes i materials: econòmics, durables i que requereixin baix manteniment, així com un consum energètic tendent a zero. Es proposa un edifici amb escala de barri, que s’adapta a la materialitat característica de l’Hospitalet: La ceràmica. Aquest material permet la integració en l’entorn a més de ser un element econòmic i fàcil d’aconseguir. Així doncs es proposa un edifici durable, econòmic, sostenible i integrat en el entorn.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Alt Empordà
Year: 2023
Landscape: Mònica Martí
Photo: Simone Marcolin
Casa Gil project consists in the restoration of what used to be a farmer’s house in Vilaür, Alt Empordà. It is born from the will of acknowledging the natural beauty of the environment that surrounds the house. The main existing volume of the pre-existing building and its façade remain untouched. The architecture intervention is very neutral, tailored to the clients' preferences and needs, allowing the landscape to be the main focus of the project. A farm building nearby has been preserved as an integral part of the surroundings, serving as a reminder of the property's history. The garden includes a 22-meter pool inspired by the original "bassas" and "safreigs" of Mediterranean rural areas, designed to satisfy the family's passion for swimming. The domestic design of the interiors consists of a free plan module for daytime activities, connected to the garden through an open porch, and a two-story night area, all thoughtfully arranged to frame the natural surroundings.

Team: Bernat Ginot, Irene Pinyol
School: Master ETSAV
Year: 2023
In Malgrat de Mar, a geographical location with great potential but also highly vulnerable to environmental changes, a project is planned in a strategic location that acts as a boundary between the mountain and the city. The proposal seeks to be a transition point between these two, consolidating an existing garden with unexplored potential. Building a new perimeter offers opportunities to activate the area and connect the city to the forest, while preserving the identity of the site and generating new activities. The creation of a multi-purpose building aimed mainly at performing and cultural activities is planned. This building adopts an architectural language that merges the three defining elements: the agrarian, cultural, and scenic worlds.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2023
Size: 30m2
Photo: Simone Marcolin
A warehouse in Barcelona is turned into a tiny apartment for a young couple. The space aims for maximum optimization, with the most private areas placed at the back of the home, leaving an open room for various daily activities to coexist: working, resting, cooking, dancing…

Team: Oliver Abásolo, Irene Pinyol, Diletta Trinari,
Location: Fuerteventura
Year: Ongoing
Size: 250 m2
Photo: Anton Pinyol
A house for a group of friends  in Fuerteventura.In a very long and narrow site,the house is organized by a vertical axis. Inspired by the original architecture of the island. Small single storey units are unified by a big perforated roof.

Team:  Irene Pinyol
Academic Research
School: ETSAB
Year: 2023

J.A.Coderch is a paradigmatic architect in Spanish architecture in the twentieth century, along with Gaudí, Sert and Miralles. His rellevance has made him a reference for architecture studies in Spanish universities and on an international level. Coderch’s architecture appears in multiple publications described as an architecture that breaks with the construction standards of the Franquist period. It is clearly influenced by the vernacular mediterranian architecture, in addition to the Racionalist movement, driven in Catalonia by the GATCPAC group in the 1930s. The aim of this study is to investigte whether, in addition to the influences already mentioned, Coderch was also influenced by North American architecture. This connection, which was never confirmed by the architect, is evident in the structure of the first single-family houses he designed from the 1940s. These share many similarities with the Case study houses promoted by John Entenza in the journal Arts and Architecture in the 1940s in the United States. Based on the graphic and theorical comparisons of single-family houses by Coderch with other North American architectural figures of the time, the main goal is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that calls into question the relationship between these architectures.

Team: Guillem Serra, Javier Salvador, Irene Pinyol
Location: Moianès
Year: 2024
Size: 150 m2
Photo: Irene Pinyol
“Two houses for two friends”  

Two houses with common strategies and values but with their own character. The house is molded to create continuity with the exterior and obtain the best solar orientation. Its geometry generates a private and enclosed garden space while protecting its privacy.

The kitchen/dining area, which links the day and night zones, becomes a semi-outdoor space, understood as part of the garden. A large continuous piece of furniture runs along the entire north facade and serves the different rooms. Local materials and techniques are used.

Connection with the environment seeks not to modify the terrain on which it is located. The extreme climate of Castellcir requires full ventilation in the summer and heat capture in the winter.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Alt Empordà
Year: 2023
Landscape: Mònica Martí
Photo: Simone Marcolin
Casa Gil project consists in the restoration of what used to be a farmer’s house in Vilaür, Alt Empordà. It is born from the will of acknowledging the natural beauty of the environment that surrounds the house. The main existing volume of the pre-existing building and its façade remain untouched. The architecture intervention is very neutral, tailored to the clients' preferences and needs, allowing the landscape to be the main focus of the project. A farm building nearby has been preserved as an integral part of the surroundings, serving as a reminder of the property's history. The garden includes a 22-meter pool inspired by the original "bassas" and "safreigs" of Mediterranean rural areas, designed to satisfy the family's passion for swimming. The domestic design of the interiors consists of a free plan module for daytime activities, connected to the garden through an open porch, and a two-story night area, all thoughtfully arranged to frame the natural surroundings.

Team: Bernat Ginot, Irene Pinyol
School: Master ETSAV
Year: 2023
In Malgrat de Mar, a geographical location with great potential but also highly vulnerable to environmental changes, a project is planned in a strategic location that acts as a boundary between the mountain and the city. The proposal seeks to be a transition point between these two, consolidating an existing garden with unexplored potential. Building a new perimeter offers opportunities to activate the area and connect the city to the forest, while preserving the identity of the site and generating new activities. The creation of a multi-purpose building aimed mainly at performing and cultural activities is planned. This building adopts an architectural language that merges the three defining elements: the agrarian, cultural, and scenic worlds.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2023
Size: 30m2
Photo: Simone Marcolin
A warehouse in Barcelona is turned into a tiny apartment for a young couple. The space aims for maximum optimization, with the most private areas placed at the back of the home, leaving an open room for various daily activities to coexist: working, resting, cooking, dancing…

Team: Oliver Abásolo, Irene Pinyol, Diletta Trinari,
Location: Fuerteventura
Year: Ongoing
Size: 250 m2
Photo: Anton Pinyol
A house for a group of friends  in Fuerteventura.In a very long and narrow site,the house is organized by a vertical axis. Inspired by the original architecture of the island. Small single storey units are unified by a big perforated roof.

Team:  Irene Pinyol
Academic Research
School: ETSAB
Year: 2023

J.A.Coderch is a paradigmatic architect in Spanish architecture in the twentieth century, along with Gaudí, Sert and Miralles. His rellevance has made him a reference for architecture studies in Spanish universities and on an international level. Coderch’s architecture appears in multiple publications described as an architecture that breaks with the construction standards of the Franquist period. It is clearly influenced by the vernacular mediterranian architecture, in addition to the Racionalist movement, driven in Catalonia by the GATCPAC group in the 1930s. The aim of this study is to investigte whether, in addition to the influences already mentioned, Coderch was also influenced by North American architecture. This connection, which was never confirmed by the architect, is evident in the structure of the first single-family houses he designed from the 1940s. These share many similarities with the Case study houses promoted by John Entenza in the journal Arts and Architecture in the 1940s in the United States. Based on the graphic and theorical comparisons of single-family houses by Coderch with other North American architectural figures of the time, the main goal is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that calls into question the relationship between these architectures.

Team: Guillem Serra, Javier Salvador, Irene Pinyol
Location: Moianès
Year: 2024
Size: 150 m2
Photo: Irene Pinyol
“Two houses for two friends”  

Two houses with common strategies and values but with their own character. The house is molded to create continuity with the exterior and obtain the best solar orientation. Its geometry generates a private and enclosed garden space while protecting its privacy.

The kitchen/dining area, which links the day and night zones, becomes a semi-outdoor space, understood as part of the garden. A large continuous piece of furniture runs along the entire north facade and serves the different rooms. Local materials and techniques are used.

Connection with the environment seeks not to modify the terrain on which it is located. The extreme climate of Castellcir requires full ventilation in the summer and heat capture in the winter.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Alt Empordà
Year: 2023
Landscape: Mònica Martí
Photo: Simone Marcolin
Casa Gil project consists in the restoration of what used to be a farmer’s house in Vilaür, Alt Empordà. It is born from the will of acknowledging the natural beauty of the environment that surrounds the house. The main existing volume of the pre-existing building and its façade remain untouched. The architecture intervention is very neutral, tailored to the clients' preferences and needs, allowing the landscape to be the main focus of the project. A farm building nearby has been preserved as an integral part of the surroundings, serving as a reminder of the property's history. The garden includes a 22-meter pool inspired by the original "bassas" and "safreigs" of Mediterranean rural areas, designed to satisfy the family's passion for swimming. The domestic design of the interiors consists of a free plan module for daytime activities, connected to the garden through an open porch, and a two-story night area, all thoughtfully arranged to frame the natural surroundings.

Un Jardí Team: Bernat Ginot, Irene Pinyol
School: Master ETSAV
Year: 2023
In Malgrat de Mar, a geographical location with great potential but also highly vulnerable to environmental changes, a project is planned in a strategic location that acts as a boundary between the mountain and the city. The proposal seeks to be a transition point between these two, consolidating an existing garden with unexplored potential. Building a new perimeter offers opportunities to activate the area and connect the city to the forest, while preserving the identity of the site and generating new activities. The creation of a multi-purpose building aimed mainly at performing and cultural activities is planned. This building adopts an architectural language that merges the three defining elements: the agrarian, cultural, and scenic worlds.

Gomis Team: Irene Pinyol
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2023
Size: 30m2
Photo: Simone Marcolin
A warehouse in Barcelona is turned into a tiny apartment for a young couple. The space aims for maximum optimization, with the most private areas placed at the back of the home, leaving an open room for various daily activities to coexist: working, resting, cooking, dancing…

Casa Verso Team: Oliver Abásolo, Irene Pinyol, Diletta Trinari,
Location: Fuerteventura
Year: Ongoing
Size: 250 m2
Photo: Anton Pinyol
A house for a group of friends  in Fuerteventura.In a very long and narrow site,the house is organized by a vertical axis. Inspired by the original architecture of the island. Small single storey units are unified by a big perforated roof.

Més enllà del Mediterani (TFG)Team:  Irene Pinyol
Academic Research
School: ETSAB
Year: 2023

J.A.Coderch is a paradigmatic architect in Spanish architecture in the twentieth century, along with Gaudí, Sert and Miralles. His rellevance has made him a reference for architecture studies in Spanish universities and on an international level. Coderch’s architecture appears in multiple publications described as an architecture that breaks with the construction standards of the Franquist period. It is clearly influenced by the vernacular mediterranian architecture, in addition to the Racionalist movement, driven in Catalonia by the GATCPAC group in the 1930s. The aim of this study is to investigte whether, in addition to the influences already mentioned, Coderch was also influenced by North American architecture. This connection, which was never confirmed by the architect, is evident in the structure of the first single-family houses he designed from the 1940s. These share many similarities with the Case study houses promoted by John Entenza in the journal Arts and Architecture in the 1940s in the United States. Based on the graphic and theorical comparisons of single-family houses by Coderch with other North American architectural figures of the time, the main goal is to confirm or refute the hypothesis that calls into question the relationship between these architectures.

Sot de les Moles Team: Guillem Serra, Javier Salvador, Irene Pinyol
Location: Moianès
Year: 2024
Size: 150 m2
Photo: Irene Pinyol
“Two houses for two friends”  

Two houses with common strategies and values but with their own character. The house is molded to create continuity with the exterior and obtain the best solar orientation. Its geometry generates a private and enclosed garden space while protecting its privacy.

The kitchen/dining area, which links the day and night zones, becomes a semi-outdoor space, understood as part of the garden. A large continuous piece of furniture runs along the entire north facade and serves the different rooms. Local materials and techniques are used.

Connection with the environment seeks not to modify the terrain on which it is located. The extreme climate of Castellcir requires full ventilation in the summer and heat capture in the winter.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.

Tramuntana Pool  Team: Hector Pinyol, Irene Pinyol
Location: Sant Mori
Year: 2023

The house is located at Carrer Tramuntana in Sant Mori. Tramuntana is the prevalent north wind that blows in Empordà. Wind plays a central role in this family's life. For years, they have practiced kitesurfing and windsurfing, which has brought them closer together.  This element becomes a central theme in the design of this pool.
The design takes advantage of the changes in the existing topography to create a level that connects the upper and lower areas of the garden. The pool itself unites the two previously disconnected gardens
The project aims to revive the long tradition of "safareigs" and "bassas" found in Mediterranean houses and towns. These water features serve as a gathering place for the community. This new space serves as a gathering spot in the house and is optimally situated for sun exposure. It uses sand tones that match the existing house and localy sourced materials such as Empordà ceramic tiles.